By entering the website of HISPANOR – Produtos Industriais, Lda., em or accessing any content which may be found in the website or by submitting an order through the website, the User is establishing a deal with HISPANOR and accepts the terms and conditions presented below.
1. Identity and Copyright
The contents of this website and others sent via email or given in connection to this website are property of Hispanor – Produtos Industriais, Lda (HISPANOR).
Address: Rua das Industrias, Lote 12 – Parque Industrial de Frossos
Tel: (+351) 253 300 340
Fax: (+351) 253 625 560
NIF: 502 603 216
The reproduction of contents is authorized if the source is quoted, excepted if the contrary is stated. The User may not use the name and logo of HISPANOR, nor create links to the website, nor edit the downloadable contents of the website without the written permit of HISPANOR.
2. Access, content and alterations to the website
The website may be viewed without the User having to provide any information. However, for the validation of orders at the Online Shop, it is necessary that Users register personal data so they may use the services provided.
The information provided at the HISPANOR website are general in nature. The information cannot be considered as a personal, professional or legal advice to the user. HISPANOR makes great efforts to keep the information on the complete, true website, date and accurate. Despite these efforts errors may occur in the information provided.
The HISPANOR cannot be held liable, directly or indirectly, for damage inflicted on electronic goods as a result of using this site or its links and hyperlinks. The damages include, without limitation, all losses, work interruptions, damage to programs or other data on your computer, hardware, software or any other user. The website may contain links to third party sites, or refer to them indirectly. The mention of such links does not imply an implicit approval of its contents. The HISPANOR explicitly states that it has no control over the content of websites and cannot be held responsible for the content or features or any other form of damage from its use.
HISPANOR may, at any moment and without warning, suspend, alter, add and/or remove the contents of the website at any moment and limit the use and accessibility of the User to the website.
3. Obligations of Clients and Users
The User must guarantee the safekeeping of its password and the access to its personal area in the website.
The User is responsible for the veracity of the personal data registered through the website and must immediately change the information on the Profile if any alteration occurs. HISPANOR declines any responsibility for any delay or inability to process a placed order due to insufficient or inaccurate personal data provided by the User.
The User is responsible for paying a placed order and sending proof of said payment, perfectly legible, within the established time limit.
4. Online shopping
To shop at the HISPANOR website a User must register through the online form. After the registration, you may add articles to your order by selecting the icon “Shopping Cart” at the webpage of each article, select the quantity of each article, and following the steps until the order is finalized successfully. The successful placement of an order supposes that the User as read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the website
After placing the order, you will receive an automatic email with the order’s Registration Number. If any of the data presented in the email is wrong, immediately contact the needed alteration or request the cancellation of the order by contacting HISPANOR by email, fax or telephone.
The order’s Registration does not constitute proof of a transaction made between the Use rand HISPANOR. After the Order’s Registration the User will receive an email with the Order Confirmation and the payment request.
Orders placed through the website may only be paid by bank transfer or cash. The order’s dispatch only takes place after HISPANOR receives confirmation that the payment was made. The payment confirmation should be uploaded through the website or sent by fax or email and must be legible upon reception.
The User must send the payment confirmation to HISPANOR within 3 work days after placing the order.
The invoice is sent physically with the ordered articles.
5. Added Costs
The shipping costs presented in the website are only for deliveries within Portugal and have the following values: For orders under 100€ (s/IVA): 5€ | For orders between 100€ and 250€ (s/ IVA): 10€ | For orders over 250€ (s/ IVA): 0€. For international deliveries, HISPANOR only delivers the goods EX-WORKS.
HISPANOR will contact the User, prior to the payment request, to communicate any taxes and fees and taxes that may apply.
6. Stock and Article availability
HISPANOR hereby states that any of its online articles, at any given moment, may have limited stock or be unavailable. If an order is placed for an unavailable article, HISPANOR will contact the User, through the data given on the Profile, and present the situation. The User might agree to cancel the order, cancel the unavailable articles, accept a later delivery date or any other solution that both the User and HISPANOR might agree upon.
HISPANOR verifies an article’s stock before the payment instructions are sent. If a User does not send the Payment Confirmation within 3 work-days after the email, HISPANOR cannot guarantee it’s availability.
If HISPANOR verifies an article’s unavailability after receiving Payment Confirmation HISPANOR will contact the User, through the data given on the Profile, and present the situation. The User might agree to have the value paid returned, have the payment for the unavailable articles returned, exchange the unavailable article for another similar article, accept a later delivery date or any other solution that both the User and HISPANOR might agree upon.
7. Dispatch
After receiving payment confirmation, the order will be shipped within 5 work-days. The delivery time for Continental Portugal is 1 to 2 work-days and for Azores and Madeira is 7 work-days.
These times serve only as guidelines are not binding.
For international deliveries, HISPANOR only delivers the goods EX-WORKS. As mentioned in Section 6, some articles may not be available for immediate dispatch. In this case, the User may choose to wait for their availability which implies a later delivery time.
HISPANOR only dispatches goods on work-days.
8. Cancellation and complaints
Applicable to purchases made at
If Hispanor does not receive the Payment Confirmation or payment within 10 (ten) work-days after the Order Confirmation, the order is automatically cancelled.
The User may cancel any order at any given time until payment.
After receiving the order, the User may use the Right of Withdrawal within the limits of the legislation, and must communicate this intention by writing. No items may be returned to HISPANOR prior to an agreement. No items may be returned to HISPANOR prior to an agreement. According to the Portuguese Law-Decree 24/2014, the Right of Withdrawal does not apply to articles in the Online Shop Section “Security and Hygiene” with opened packages and/or broken seals.
The client will be held accountable for the depreciation of any article if the manipulation exceeds what is usually permitted in a commercial establishment.
Hispanor hereby claims the right to unilaterally cancel any order if a program error occurs or a technical defect is found.
Hispanor hereby claims the right to unilaterally cancel an order if it exceeds 500€, implies the shipment of a particular fragile item or a low rotation item. Hispanor will contact the User through the elements in the Profile.
Despite the efforts by HISPANOR, some articles presented in the website may have a slightly different appearance then the current items on stock (ex: colour, front label) with no change to their core technical characteristics or chemical properties. Receiving an article with a slightly different appearance to the one presented in the image on the website does not give the User right for return by default.
9. Warranties
The electric and electronic equipment sold by HISPANOR have a warranty of 12 months after the date on the invoice.
10. Conflict Resolutions and Disputes
Hispanor is a member Company of the Centre for Automobile SectorArbitration (CASA), with site in and headquartered at Avenida da República, 44 – 3º Esqº, 1050 194 Lisboa, Portugal.